Here we go!

Our Adoption Story

Adoption has always been part of our family picture.

We discussed it as one way we wanted to build our family even before we were married.  We each desired a larger family with three or four kids with the understanding that at least some of them would not be our biological children.

While our adoption story began many years ago, we really began pursuing it over the last few years.  We attended informational seminars, read books, and talked with friends who were adopting.  At each turn, we confirmed that this is something we wanted to do.  Still, a number of pieces in our puzzle remained missing.

Prayers for Grace

During that same time, our son Samuel began praying for his "baby sister named Grace."  His prayer has evolved to include a brother, sister, or even twins, but the name of "Grace" stuck with us.  You've never seen a young man with such a desire for a younger sibling.  Each night for the last two years, he has continued his prayers in earnest.

For a long time, we didn't have any good answers for him.  We didn't know why our family wasn't growing, but we also weren't at a point where we could move forward with adoption.  We were in a holding pattern.

Here we go!

In the last three months, we have found many of our missing pieces.

We had good conversations with friends about adoption and our desire to build our family.

Our families reiterated their support for us.

Some obstacles in our way miraculously moved.

Today, we "officially" moved forward and submitted our paperwork to begin the process.  Our family is growing.  Grace is coming.  We don't know exactly what that's going to look like and we have far more questions than answers, but we're doing it.

Thank you for joining us.  We look forward to sharing our journey with you.
